Hi! Did you look at the sky today? I bet it looks stunning.
I have been spending the past few weeks forcing my game into a presentable state whilst running into another bug every five minutes. It seems like ten bugs spawn from every feature I add.
Even though I enjoy fixing things, it seems like I can’t avoid the age old game dev curse: everything that can be delayed will be delayed. Even this post is weeks overdue. Oops! That’s bad! I don’t really have the means to delay the final release date. If I change my planned release date to like six months in advance, maybe it’ll come out on time?
Little Ghosthunter shows characters’ pasts in the form of flashbacks. There are five to six flashbacks in the demo, and each one has a background and a music track.
Like this one:
The goal was for it to sound like a couple of band members having fun without following a score.
Designing the style for the backgrounds was quite tough, but for now they look like this:
Camera Update
The last post ended with a list of improvements to be added to the camera. They have been added!
- The background is darkened so it’s easier to see what you’re taking
- Control prompts were added
- Battery icon and photo number are displayed in the gallery
- There still is a delay when taking a photo, but it’s better
BUT! There is a bug that sometimes causes the photos to be offset when they are rendered, and I cannot figure out why.
I need to talk to a duck about this.
I’m so ready to be able to show this game to everyone, but there are still a bunch of tiny things to get in order before that happens. We’ll just have to be patient.
The game will be out. The demo will be out.
Cool stuff, learnt a new thing today… duck!
I can’t wait!!
Your comments page has a bug… I just fill in the email address and it already sends before I press ‘post comment’
music sounds DOPE!!!!!!!! and the colours!!!! are Everything!!! hope you debug (deduck?) the photo issue soon!!
thank you very much!! i will be furiously deducking
Fun fun fun! I hope you figure out all the bugs with your trusty duck by your side! Rooting for you :D The little scenes you show are so good already, very aesthetic + vibey music + lore!!!! Very funky :D
Thank youuu your comments are always so motivational
what does it mean when u say the photos are offset when they are rendered
You try to take a photo of something and it’ll come out slightly to the left or right